Sunday, July 8, 2007

Untitled First blog

Huh..finally planning to switch to google blogs from livejournal. No special as such planned topics to current blog thread.. Only reason world is changing to google, why shouldn't you was the question put thinking "Why shouldn't I" use google blogs to fill my junk words, rather fill the google database with my junk words, sometimes it seems logical rather it would be illogical at existence. Don't worry i won't write things such as "when the Earth started" or "Why Earth" or "Why Universe"... but rather I want this to be "LOGICAL JUNK". Rather more of Junk things which I encounter in my journey of life .. or trying to think about so called technical aspects..
Let me see how i stick to this.
Font seems to be much much better, but accessories are limited.

1 comment:

Shilpa N P said...

hmmm....that seemed like your comments on the google blogspot.....wonder what i should comment on a comment :)